Technical architecture and data flow
Superglue is built with a modular architecture that connects data sources to your software stack via a dedicated transformation layer and caching system. The following diagram illustrates the core components and data flow:
Core Components
External Data Sources
REST & GraphQL APIs: Superglue can connect to any modern API endpoint, handling authentication, rate limiting, and pagination automatically. It supports common authentication methods like OAuth, API keys, and JWT tokens.
XML/JSON/CSV Files: Process structured data files from various sources, including local filesystems, S3 buckets, or remote URLs. Superglue automatically handles parsing and data validation.
Legacy System Interfaces: Connect to older systems through their available interfaces, including SOAP APIs, FTP servers, or custom protocols.
Superglue Layer
Extract Pipeline:
- Manages the data extraction process from various sources
- Handles connection pooling with configurable retry logic (default: 3 retries)
- Implements exponential backoff starting at 1s with 2x multiplier
- Supports rate limiting via Redis-based token bucket
- Logs all extraction attempts with request/response details
LLM Transform Engine:
- Converts data between different schemas and formats
- Uses OpenAI API to generate JSONata transformations
- Caches successful transformations in Redis with 30-day TTL
- Validates output against JSON Schema before returning
- Handles nested object/array transformations up to 10 levels deep
Schema Validator:
- Ensures data consistency and integrity
- Enforces JSON Schema validation on all transformed data
- Provides field-level validation error messages
- Supports custom validation rules via JSONata expressions
- Validates required fields and data types
Redis Cache
Two supported storage modes:
Redis Mode
- Persistent storage with 30-day TTL
- Supports cluster configuration
- Stores mappings, configurations and execution logs
- Implements key-based locking for concurrent access
In-Memory Mode
- Non-persistent storage using Map/Set data structures
- Suitable for development/testing
- Lower latency but no persistence
- Limited by available system memory
Your System Integration
Call Scheduler:
- Manages the timing and frequency of data synchronization
- Configurable webhook notifications for job status
- Retry mechanism: 3 attempts with exponential backoff
- Supports batch processing up to 1000 records
- Implements circuit breaker pattern for failing endpoints
- Your system’s database where transformed data is stored
- Supports any database with a JSON-compatible interface
- Maintains atomic transactions for data consistency
- Implements optimistic locking for concurrent updates
- Buffers writes to reduce database load
Data Flow
- External data sources are accessed through their respective interfaces
- The Extract Pipeline retrieves and normalizes the raw data
- The LLM Transform Engine processes and maps the data to your required format
- The Schema Validator ensures data quality and consistency
- Processed data is cached in Redis if validation passes
- Results are sent to target system via configured interface
- Status and metrics are logged for monitoring
Performance Characteristics
- Average transformation latency: 200-500ms
- Cache hit ratio: ~80% for repeated transformations
- Supports up to 100 concurrent transformations
- Maximum payload size: 100MB
Security Implementation
- All external connections are encrypted using industry-standard protocols
- TLS 1.3 required for all external connections
- Credentials stored in Redis with AES-256 encryption
- Transformation runs in isolated Node.js worker threads
- Rate limiting per API key and IP address
Monitoring Capabilities
- Prometheus metrics for all core operations
- Detailed logging with correlation IDs
- Error tracking with stack traces
- Performance metrics for cache hit/miss ratios
The implementation details can be found in the core utilities:
Monitoring and Maintenance
- Built-in logging and monitoring capabilities
- Performance metrics collection
- Error tracking and alerting
- Easy configuration management and updates
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